We have expertise in the following topics.:
Portfolio of Services:
The portfolio of services offered at javaee.solutions ranges from competent consulting and realization of diverse IT projects to technical project management ending in product evaluation and quality management:
- Consulting
- Coaching
- Framework Development
- Application Development
- System Architecture, Software Architecture, SOA
- Design Procedure: Modularization, Automation
- Technical Project Management
- Requirement Analysis, Preparation of Specifications
- Realization
- Central Software Production/ Nightly Builds
- Product Evaluation
- System Analysis
- Quality Management
The requirements of innovative developments must take into account modern methods. We utilize the following methods/components:
- Object-Oriented Design (OOA, OOD, OOP)
- Generation of Code, Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)
- Design Patterns
- Unified Modelling Language (UML)
- Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum
- Code Review: Crucible
Operating Systems:
Our IT specialists are at your service for all popular operating systems:
Mac OS, MS-DOS, Unix, Linux, Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista
If necessary, we utilized modern databases such as:
DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SQL, Sybase, 4th Dimension, SQLite, Sybase
Programming Languages:
We have many years of experience programming in the following languages:
- Java (JEE, JSE)
- HTML, XUL (Firefox)
- JavaScript (jQuery, Dojo)
- Lisp
- Python
- Scriptsprachen (Bash, AutoIT, ...)
- 4th Dimension
Java/ JEE
- JEE: EJB, JSP, Servlets, JMS, JDO, JCA etc.
- Communication: Web Services (WS), SOAP, WSDL, Apache Axis, EBS
- Build: Ant, Maven 2/3
- Template Engine: Velocity, Apache Tiles
- Portals: JBoss, Liferay
- Data Base: Hibernate, Ibatis (MyBatis), JDBC
- Development Framework: Spring, ...
- OSGi: Apache Felix, Equinox, Spring DM, Apache Karaf
- Object-relational Mapping, ORM (MVC, Hibernate)
- Programming Environment: Eclipse, Together, DreamWeaver
- View (web): JSP, Struts, JSF, MyFaces, RichFaces, Facelets, GWT
- View: Swing, AWT, SWT, RCP
- XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath, DOM, XStream, sTax 1/2
- Search Engine: Lucene, Compass, Snowball, SOLR
- Reporting Systems: Jasper Reports, Apache FOP
- Code Quality: Javadoc, Findbugs, PMD, CheckStyle, EclEmma
Webserver, Applicationserver, Middleware:
Internet Technology (general), JBoss, WebSphere, Apache, Tomcat, Jetty
Communication Protocols:
HTTP, FTP, RMI, SMTP, TCP/IP, SOAP, RPC, POP3, Message Queuing
Modelling Tools:
StarUML, MagicDraw (UML Modellierung), Together, Rational Rose
Version Management:
Testing Tools:
JUnit (*Unit), Selenium, Tellurium, JUnitEE, DBUnit, JProfiler, Cactus
Development / Build Procedure:
- Build System: Ant (+Ivy), Maven 2/3
- Artifacts: Artifactory, Archiva
- BugTracking: JIRA (+plugins), Bugzilla
- Wiki (documentation): Wiki, TWiki, Trac, Confluence, Alfresco
- Continuos Integration: Hudson, Jenkins, CruiseControl
- Design: Balsamic Mockups
Image Editing Software:
Photoshop, GIMP
Guidelines / Standards:
- AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical Information Exchange Messages)
- EAD (ESI): Aeronautical Data Access System
- JEE Code Conventions
Our experts work in the following industries:
- IT, EDV, Software Development
- Retrieving Business Information, Search Engines
- Archive and Library Information Services, Book Stores
- Real Estate
- Banks
- Aeronautical Information Systems
- Design, Internet
- Time Management, Telematics, Transportation Management