Legal Notices
1. Limitation of Liability
Contents of this Website

The contents of this website have been created with the greatest care. However, the provider assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the contents of this website. The use of website content occurs at the user’s own risk. Contributions from outside parties (authors named) are the opinions of these authors and do not always correspond with those of the provider.

Website Availability

The provider will make an effort to provide uninterrupted website availability. However, even the utmost care cannot completely prevent occasional website downtimes. The provider retains the right to change or remove content at any time.

External Links

This website contains external links. Their contents are the responsibility of the respective parties. The provider reviewed the content of these external links for infringement of the law before creating the link initially. At that time, no infringements of the law were found. The provider has no influence on the current or future presentation of content belonging to external websites. The creation of external links does not mean that the provider has adopted the contents of the linked website as his/her own. It is not reasonable for the provider to constantly supervise content of external links without any indication of infringement of the law. If infringements of the law in any external links become known, these links will be deleted immediately.


The content of advertisements is the responsibility of the author, as is the content of the advertised website. The inclusion of advertisements does not constitute acceptance by the provider.

Absense of a Contracutal Relationship

Utilization of this website does not constitute a contractual relationship between the user and the provider. As a result, no contractual or quasi-contractual claims can be made against the provider.

2. Copyright and Related Rights

The contents of this website are subject to the German copyright and related rights laws. Any use of this website not allowed by German copyright and related rights laws must receive prior written consent from the provider or pertinent rights holder. This applies in particular to duplication, adaptation, translation, saving and manipulation or rather reproduction of contents in databanks or other electronic media or systems. The contents and rights of any third parties must be labeled as such. Unauthorized copy or transfer of partial content or webpages is forbidden and punishable by law. Only the creation of copies or downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is allowed.

Links to this website are currently welcome and do not require any consent from the provider of this website. However, the presentation of this website in external frames requires consent.

3. Privacy Policy

Data may be saved about the access pattern of users visiting the pages presented by the provider in this website (date, time, pages visited). This data is not related to the individual visitors, but has been made anonymous. It is only used for statistical purposes. This data will never be transferred to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

The provider explicitly points out that data transfer using the Internet (for instance, during e-mail communication) can have security issues and that it is not possible to offer complete protection against the access of third parties.

Contact data listed in the company information may not be used to distribute commercial advertisement unless the provider has given written consent or a business relationship already exists with the provider. Herewith, the provider and all entities listed in this website express their dissent to the transfer or use of their data for commercial purposes.

4. Applicable Laws

Solely the applicable laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.

5. Special Terms of Use

An explicit note will be listed in relevant sections if special terms of use apply that deviate from the aforementioned terms listed in numbers 1 through 4. In these isolated cases, the respective special terms of use apply.